Sunday, January 28, 2007

Week 2

Hey guys! ok well this was an exciting week in writing. we picked the groups that we will be working with for the rest of the semester! it was fun and awkward trying to get to know everyone to help us in the decision process. i was a little nervous at first because i didn't know anyone in the class. One i let it be known that i have taken 5 years of computer science it seemed my classmates were interested in getting to know my skills. I'm excited that we are assigned a website, i love to do things in web design so this will keep me plenty occupied for the semester. my group is really nice, i think we will work well together. we all have very different things that we can add to the group that will make us more efficient. I also liked how this week we had the chance to do a lot of things with our groups in class. I know it is still the beginning of the semester but i have a feeling i will really enjoy this class. i take a lot of really hard classes on my Tuesday and Thursday so it is reassuring to my sanity that i have an enjoyable class to attend on Monday Wednesday and Friday.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

first posting...

Hi! Well for starters my name is Jocelyn Zybert. Having a last name that starts with "Zy" usually means I'm always last. I come from a small town about 30 minutes north of Boston Massachusetts. I love it there, coming to school in the south was definitely a change of pace for me. However i would never take back a minute of my experience here so far. I am currently a second semester junior working on a finance major. I'm taking 18 hours this semester so i always feel like I'm way to busy. I think it will work out well though because i hate not having something to do! This past semester, fall 2006, i pledged Delta Sigma Pi. It is one of the professional business fraternities here on campus. I've met some pretty wonderful people through it and am looking forward to my first semester and an active brother. i really have no idea why i am a business major i should be doing something like interior design or architecture but i chose the safe rout instead of following my heart. I have an older brother Chris who is an IT major at Rochester Institute of Technology. He is one of the most important people in this world to me. My all time favorite thing ever i would have to say is baseball. I'm a fanatic. I have had season tickets to the Red Sox my entire life, my dad always tells me he created a monster when it comes to my obsession. I am also a huge fan of Clemson baseball. I go to as many games as possible! Since i call Boston home i am also a New England Patriots fan and am impatiently waiting the start of the game tonight! I like to spend my time with people that are laid back and just like to enjoy life for what it is. I am kind of a nut about organization, i don't like kayos. Well i guess that is all i will write for now. If there is anything else you would like to know about me feel free to ask! :)