Sunday, January 28, 2007

Week 2

Hey guys! ok well this was an exciting week in writing. we picked the groups that we will be working with for the rest of the semester! it was fun and awkward trying to get to know everyone to help us in the decision process. i was a little nervous at first because i didn't know anyone in the class. One i let it be known that i have taken 5 years of computer science it seemed my classmates were interested in getting to know my skills. I'm excited that we are assigned a website, i love to do things in web design so this will keep me plenty occupied for the semester. my group is really nice, i think we will work well together. we all have very different things that we can add to the group that will make us more efficient. I also liked how this week we had the chance to do a lot of things with our groups in class. I know it is still the beginning of the semester but i have a feeling i will really enjoy this class. i take a lot of really hard classes on my Tuesday and Thursday so it is reassuring to my sanity that i have an enjoyable class to attend on Monday Wednesday and Friday.

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