Sunday, February 25, 2007

Hey guys!

so is it time for spring break yet? that would be awesome huh? its nice that we've only had to do presentations and and interviews these past couple of days isn't it? well i have yet to give my presentation i'm going on Friday :) and guess what i still haven't picked a topic... any ideas? i have really enjoyed everyones so far. they have all been really different and interesting topics. its nice havening it be so informal and being able to present on anything you want!! it has been a nice break in these crazy weeks of midterms to have such laid back classes i think all teachers should do this! well i hope everyones presentations and interviews go well. good luck this week.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

so far...

I can honestly say so far that i love this class. Some may think things are to easy, or some may think these things are not important. However as a Junior in this class i am realizing how important this class actually is. So far everything we have done is this class is corresponding perfectly with the stressful things that are happening in my professional life. We talked about how to write a good resume the day i was passing mine in for the career fair. As soon as i got out of class i went to the library and changed mine. It was helpful advice the things we talked about in class. And the cover letter i have been working on mine to make sure i can perfect it before i head in for interviews. The mock interviews i cant wait for. i had an interview for an internship last Wednesday and i thought it went really well, my goal is to be as relaxed when i do my mock interview to see how well i get graded. Then i will really know how well it went! I like the fact that we are working in groups. For example when we were writing our e-mail to the client last week i had ideas in my mind but it was so interesting to hear the rest of the groups ideas as well which helped us to write what i think was a very successful e-mail. One of the main things i have learned so far however is that no matter how professional you think you may be at the time there is always something new to learn, a different way to act or someone else that does things different. I think it's important to not only int he business world but in the real world as well to make sure you stay true to yourself. be your own person we were all created differently for a reason.

One last thing. i know this is last minute but i still have no idea what i am going to do for this little presentation!! if anyone may have an idea please leave a comment!

Thanks guys!

Have a wonderful night and week!

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Hey guys!

Well i think it is safe to say it is that time of the semester again. In the next three weeks i have two tests at least one day during the week. I thought i was doing pretty well with time management until we had our out of class meetings this weekend. We were just trying to find another time to meet and it seemed near impossible!!! I understand college is hard and time management is crucial but i feel like no matter how hard you try or how far in advance you begin you are never ready for the deadline date! At this point in time we are trying to work on research and potential layouts. I told my group that i would do the layout research. I think it is sad that most of the layout ideas that i get is from using websites that i use for other classes. I guess I'm using multitasking at its finest. Well i would honestly like to stay here and write more and complain that i feel like i have no time, however that is the case and i really have no time and need to get back to studying for my finance and accounting tests that i have back to back on Tuesday. Wish me luck!!!!
Talk to you guys soon!


Sunday, February 4, 2007

Decisions Decisions

Hey Guys!

Talk about writing at the last possible minute. I tried to write something earlier today before i went out to watch the game but i just couldn't think of anything worth writing about. so I've come to the conclusion of "decisions decisions" in the past two days two different friends have came to me with problems. This isn't out of the norm at all, i tend to keep and open mind and level head so i can give good advice. However these two problems though i helped talked my friends through it and told them i would be there for them still through me for a loop. They were two very different problems that made me really think about my future. They really got me thinking on how decisions we make today, though they may not immediately effect our life could really influence our future. They also made me put into perspective of what i really want out of my future. talking to both of them who one is my age the other about 15 months younger than me knew at least one thing they were sure they wanted. I couldn't think of anything that i was positive i would like. I always have things in mind but who is to really say what they want. i mean i have a hard enough time picking out one outfit that i am supposed to wear all day!!!! i mean 12 hours is a long time to be committed to something. as you can probably see now i change my mind on a lot of things. These situations got me thinking about our projects as well. we will come up with some pretty great ideas among the 8 different groups in the two classes and these two ladies have to pick one web design. this web design is going to really effect the sunshine house in the future. makes me really feel the pressure. i guess this posting is just a lot of me thinking out loud so i am sorry to have babbled on for so long. i definitely have some pretty solid motivation to make sure i put forth my best work. and its funny that this motivation came from something that has nothing to do with business writing.

Sleep tight guys I'll see you in the morning.