Sunday, February 11, 2007


Hey guys!

Well i think it is safe to say it is that time of the semester again. In the next three weeks i have two tests at least one day during the week. I thought i was doing pretty well with time management until we had our out of class meetings this weekend. We were just trying to find another time to meet and it seemed near impossible!!! I understand college is hard and time management is crucial but i feel like no matter how hard you try or how far in advance you begin you are never ready for the deadline date! At this point in time we are trying to work on research and potential layouts. I told my group that i would do the layout research. I think it is sad that most of the layout ideas that i get is from using websites that i use for other classes. I guess I'm using multitasking at its finest. Well i would honestly like to stay here and write more and complain that i feel like i have no time, however that is the case and i really have no time and need to get back to studying for my finance and accounting tests that i have back to back on Tuesday. Wish me luck!!!!
Talk to you guys soon!


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