Monday, April 9, 2007

Final Count Down

Hi guys!

ok this one is a little late but it has been a hectic weekend! We are in the final weeks of our semester so it is officially crunch time on finishing up our web page. Out group has a lot of what we need to have done finished... we now need to work with the other groups on the final project. I hope to help out pretty much but giving my opinion and knowledge on web pages. We have most of ours drone so it will be a lot of fixing grammar and what now throughout the page. I know the expression to many cooks in the kitchen a little to well so my main plan is going to be just do what you are asked to do. I'll take a semi back seat to people that are better in certain aspects of working on the page than i am i will complete things as they ask for my help. i think this will work out the best for everyone. We'll know better when this week is over i guess! Everyone have a good week.

1 comment:

Haley said...

Hey, do you know how to view your friend's blog?