Monday, April 30, 2007


With my group Tiger Web design we researched different ethical topics. A lot of un-ethical things happen in the world, especially in business. I wouldn't say that i particularly learned anything specific from each case we presented to the class. Overall what i took out of the project is you are the only person who has control of how you handle a situation. If you have a guilt feeling about something chances are there is a reason for it. When someone is pressuring you to do something you feel is wrong you are the only person who can stand up for yourself and say no. Weather is be slacking on the job, changing your research or hiding a mistake from the rest of society you are the only one in control of your actions. Going to court and trying to get out of it just makes you even more wrong. Stand up for your actions and be the better man to the one that is trying to force you to do wrong.
Hey guys!

So you are now the new students in Angie's class. Consider yourself lucky! I am a finance major with a minor in accounting, i hate to write. Angie however, made this class enjoyable. Work for a client gets a tough at times but there honestly isn't any other way to really apply your writing skills than hands on experience. Don't worry about the work load she presents to you on the first day, at times it is time consuming but overall it is nothing compared to some other classes. Also working on a proposal is so much more enjoyable than studying for a cumulative accounting test...which i have two of tomorrow so i will talk to you later! Good luck!


Monday, April 23, 2007

Hey Angie this posting is for you. You told me to mention in my blog that if there will be anyway to earn and extra point in replace of not being able to attend the showing last Thursday due to class to remind you of it in my blog posting. I forgot a minute ago so I'm just reminding you now! thanks!

Hey Guys!

So I'm a little late on this posting, i apologize! At this time last Monday the United States and other country's all over the world were in complete shock with the even that took place at Virginia Tech. Everyone had there opinion on the matter and many people spoke their minds. I tried to keep my judgment to myself. Still to an extent i would like to keep that a private thing. I am in complete support of the Virgina Tech community and their families, for i was very very close to becoming a student at VT. I've learned over the past year that you get so comfortable with a way of life, your surroundings, the people you see everyday or even once a year even those people that you only talk to over the phone or IM. We get so comfortable that we don't ever remind our selves that in a split second everything about your existence could change. Your world could completely fall apart with a simple phone call, E-Mail or even sound. I think that if people thought about these things more those comfortable settings we feel we are always in could become much safer. If when we are walking back from the library at odd hours of the night we constantly check our the road behind us and in front of us for unfamiliar behavior, or when we are home to make sure we lock our doors and don't open the door unless you know the person trying to get in. It the little things we do in our everyday life that keep us safe, the good habits that we get ourselves into can make less prone to a tragedy than someone else. Of course i an not naive and i understand things are out of human control. You can not no matter how hard you try completely control someone else's behavior. However if you know your roommate has been saying odd things recently that scare you don't hesitate to refer them to help. They may begin to hate you but at least your life is not in jeopardy any longer. I have noticed Clemson City police keeping a watchful eye on the Clemson campus recently and it is greatly appreciated however they can not watch each student as close as each of us may need to be watched. We need to protect ourselves from preventable danger.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Final Count Down

Hi guys!

ok this one is a little late but it has been a hectic weekend! We are in the final weeks of our semester so it is officially crunch time on finishing up our web page. Out group has a lot of what we need to have done finished... we now need to work with the other groups on the final project. I hope to help out pretty much but giving my opinion and knowledge on web pages. We have most of ours drone so it will be a lot of fixing grammar and what now throughout the page. I know the expression to many cooks in the kitchen a little to well so my main plan is going to be just do what you are asked to do. I'll take a semi back seat to people that are better in certain aspects of working on the page than i am i will complete things as they ask for my help. i think this will work out the best for everyone. We'll know better when this week is over i guess! Everyone have a good week.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Dual Coding

As a Finance and accounting major it is safe to say i normally do not notice how visual arts impact my thinking daily. However putting a little more thought into as asked for this entry i think i may have come up with some examples. One of the main examples that came to mind was Disney World. However when i put more thought into it the main reason this example comes from the idea of having a patten so no other company can use the same image, logo, name etc. Disney World holds the rights that no other company may use the famous "mickey ears." Having this makes it that no matter where we are in the world if we see those mickey ears our thoughts immediately transfer to thinking of Walt Disney World, Land, Euro etc. So as i said before hand as a Finance major I'm not that sure if this is the correct example, however this is what comes to my mind when i think of examples on how one image will direct your mind to a certain thing.

Friday, March 16, 2007


It's finally spring break time... I'm so excited. This week in class we talked about blogging and what our opinion on it. Well i have never thought it was a good idea. However i have only been experienced in it on a personal matter until i enrolled in business writing. Before this course i thought it was a horrible idea, i have had friendships demolished as well as friend have the same problem due to so called "friends" saying rude things about one another over the Internet. However in this course i have had the chance to write about my progress with our project and experiences in the "mock" business world. I enjoy writing every week about what we have done in class and what we will be working on, however i still to this day do not agree with talking about friends or other people in a blog. If you feel you can write it on the Internet you need to be able to say it to someones face no matter the circumstance. weather it be a boss, a friend, a companion or a relative don't make your personal problems public for the rest of the world to fine over the Internet. Work them out between you and the other person or go talk to someone in private or keep a private journal. Also don't ever give the excuse i didn't do it for other people to see, anyone can find anything they want over the Internet. That is why i also think it is important to keep your my space and facebook account confidential and classy. Then again this is only my opinion on it, i don't want to make anyone mad and i didn't want to write about this blog topic, however i am not one to not do something i asked.

Have a safe and fun spring break.
See ya'll next week
