Friday, March 16, 2007


It's finally spring break time... I'm so excited. This week in class we talked about blogging and what our opinion on it. Well i have never thought it was a good idea. However i have only been experienced in it on a personal matter until i enrolled in business writing. Before this course i thought it was a horrible idea, i have had friendships demolished as well as friend have the same problem due to so called "friends" saying rude things about one another over the Internet. However in this course i have had the chance to write about my progress with our project and experiences in the "mock" business world. I enjoy writing every week about what we have done in class and what we will be working on, however i still to this day do not agree with talking about friends or other people in a blog. If you feel you can write it on the Internet you need to be able to say it to someones face no matter the circumstance. weather it be a boss, a friend, a companion or a relative don't make your personal problems public for the rest of the world to fine over the Internet. Work them out between you and the other person or go talk to someone in private or keep a private journal. Also don't ever give the excuse i didn't do it for other people to see, anyone can find anything they want over the Internet. That is why i also think it is important to keep your my space and facebook account confidential and classy. Then again this is only my opinion on it, i don't want to make anyone mad and i didn't want to write about this blog topic, however i am not one to not do something i asked.

Have a safe and fun spring break.
See ya'll next week


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