Sunday, March 11, 2007

Crunch time

Hey ya'll,

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I had a busy but fun one. So it's "crunch time" proposal is due on Wednesday! i cant believe it. We have been putting out work in however we still feel the pressure of getting it done on time. I couple more days would help however i have faith our group can pull together an excellent proposal by Wednesday regardless. we each have our own section to work on to make sure the work will be divided evenly throughout the group. Crystal and i are working on the website and describing the website and what we have offered our client in the proposal. i hope Ms Cribb likes our creation, we have put a lot of work and effort into the website thus far. i know it will be a difficult decision and she will make the right choice weather she chooses our group or not. Tomorrow will be a packed day of proposal writing. I have a friend in town who will get to experience it along with me, that should ease any stress. She is a nursing major so my business classes will be a bit odd for her this week however i hope she enjoys the wonderful weather we are due to have and the change of scenery she is experiencing. I'll see you all tomorrow morning in class. Sweet Dreams.


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