Sunday, February 4, 2007

Decisions Decisions

Hey Guys!

Talk about writing at the last possible minute. I tried to write something earlier today before i went out to watch the game but i just couldn't think of anything worth writing about. so I've come to the conclusion of "decisions decisions" in the past two days two different friends have came to me with problems. This isn't out of the norm at all, i tend to keep and open mind and level head so i can give good advice. However these two problems though i helped talked my friends through it and told them i would be there for them still through me for a loop. They were two very different problems that made me really think about my future. They really got me thinking on how decisions we make today, though they may not immediately effect our life could really influence our future. They also made me put into perspective of what i really want out of my future. talking to both of them who one is my age the other about 15 months younger than me knew at least one thing they were sure they wanted. I couldn't think of anything that i was positive i would like. I always have things in mind but who is to really say what they want. i mean i have a hard enough time picking out one outfit that i am supposed to wear all day!!!! i mean 12 hours is a long time to be committed to something. as you can probably see now i change my mind on a lot of things. These situations got me thinking about our projects as well. we will come up with some pretty great ideas among the 8 different groups in the two classes and these two ladies have to pick one web design. this web design is going to really effect the sunshine house in the future. makes me really feel the pressure. i guess this posting is just a lot of me thinking out loud so i am sorry to have babbled on for so long. i definitely have some pretty solid motivation to make sure i put forth my best work. and its funny that this motivation came from something that has nothing to do with business writing.

Sleep tight guys I'll see you in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Babbling... that's what blogs are for sometimes! =o)